Do you recruit Engineering, Manufacturing or Production professionals?

If you are anything like the CEO’s, VP’s and Directors that I speak to on a daily basis, you are disappointed, sometimes frustrated and even somewhat annoyed on occasion at the quality and availability of leading Engineering, Manufacturing and Production talent within your sector. You, your team and ultimately your business will undoubtedly feel the pressure Do you recruit Engineering, Manufacturing or Production professionals?

Burnt out and disillusioned

Lack of work/life balance is one of the major reasons I see good people wanting to leave their current role. I once met with a client who admitted their top Engineering, Manufacturing and Production professionals could earn ridiculous amounts of money, but that they would probably end up burnt out and disillusioned by their second Burnt out and disillusioned

You’re not the only one

Now, I know your company is special… I really do. But there is something I have to tell you, and you might not like it……. When it comes to hiring the very best Engineering, Manufacturing and Production professionals in your competitive sector to your business, in my experience, (and I know this industry very well), You’re not the only one

Who has the power?

When it comes to hiring Engineering, Manufacturing & Production talent, you might be surprised to know that they have most of the power. Let me explain… Economic recovery is on-going and unemployment rates are declining resulting in fewer candidates for open positions within the sector, notwithstanding Brexit that may shrink the talent pool further. Hiring Who has the power?

What are the amateurs costing you?

I have been helping hiring managers to attract and hire the best Sales or Marketing professionals for some time now and during that time, I have seen many things and many hiring mistakes. If only they had made the right hiring decision the first time around.  They would have been seeing a Return on Investment What are the amateurs costing you?

What makes the difference?

Have you ever wondered, as I have, what makes the difference in successful people’s lives?  It isn’t always intelligence or talent or dedication. It isn’t that one person wants success and the other doesn’t. The difference lies in what each person knows and how he or she makes use of that knowledge And that is What makes the difference?